By Andrea Caccese
The expression of a "cat grooving to a beat" might get quite literal after all: Composer David Teie crowd-funded his debut album for feline listeners through Kickstarter.
People are taking the project quite seriously, with over 7.000 investors backing Teie's vision. The composer and cellist is no stranger to music for animals: he already released music for monkeys, but quickly turned his focus on cats, a way more popular house pet than a primate would ever make.
His musical ideas might appear outlandish, but they hide some insightful concepts: in the same way humans are drawn to a beat because they've been hearing the sound of their mother's hearts since before they were born, cats, who develop their senses after birth, respond to other sounds that triggers their neurological responses.
The next step? Teie is also working on albums for wounded dogs and captive whales.
Want to see if your furry friend shares the same music taste as you? Try creating remixes in our introduction to electronic music class.
(via The Guardian)
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