By Andrea Caccese
Music is divided in many different sub-genres. There are many categories, families and classifications, and it might be easy to get lost. The reason why many sub-genres exist is that artists love to add their distinct personalities to their sound, often inspiring others to follow them.
There are times where sub-genres might sound so pretentious and forceful, as an attempt to make music sound artsy and sophisticated. In other occasions, some genres are so unusual it’s actually mind-boggling they even exist.
Slow-core: Every genre with the word “core” denotes a sense of “extreme”. In this particular case, the music is…extremely slow.
Djent: Notable for the mix of metal guitars and electronica, this genre is often devoid of solos, focusing on really heavy guitar riffs over programmed beats.
Abstractro: "abstract electronic" with more lush landscapes and free-form synths rather than organized beats and melodies.
Crust: a fast, dirty, under-produced and chaotic cousin of punk.
EBM: It stands for "electronic body music" and it is a combination of "EDM", "Industrial" and "Post-Punk" - basically a darker, more aggressive take on dance.
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